The Queen's code (Book)

The enduring battle of the sexes is legendary. In TV ads, sitcoms, and chick flicks around the world, we've all seen the images: the long-suffering woman and the clueless, insensitive man.
But what if it's all a misunderstanding?
In this tale for the modern woman, Kimberlee seeks advice and discovers a treasure trove of esoteric knowledge hidden within her own family. As she unravels the mysteries of male behavior in this romantic journey, so will you. As she learns the language of heroes and changes how she relates to men.
Whether you're in love with men, frustrated by them, or both, The Queen's Code creates a new ethic and approach to dealing with men in a way that honors both sexes. From eight different viewpoints, you'll get an intimate look into the hearts and minds of both men and women as we struggle to understand ourselves and each other.
Although this book is written for women, this is also a treasure trove of information for men to better understand their wives, girlfriends, Mistresses.
It was a great Eye opener for me.
Visit to read the ebook or listen to the audiobook, read by Alison.